SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

The Genesee Community College 荣誉 Program is designed to encourage academic work of depth, 创意, 学生表现出卓越的潜力,从而提高质量. The focus of the program is an academic experience that will be challenging and encourage independent, 有创意的, 以及由选定的学生进行跨学科研究.

学生 successfully participating in the program will have their 荣誉 work recognized 官方成绩单 and at graduation. 另外, the opportunity to work with highly motivated faculty and students are benefits of participating in this program. The program is open to full and part time students studying at any of the Genesee Campus Centers.

The 荣誉 Program is an academic program which requires students to complete certain honors criteria. Honor Societies, such as PTK, are social organizations which recognize academic merit. 学生 are encouraged to participate in both Honor Societies and the 荣誉 Program.



Candidates must be matriculated students who demonstrate evidence of exemplary academic achievement such as: a high school average of 85 or higher, or completion of 12 hours of study at an accredited institution of higher education with a GPA of 3.25,和/或荣誉委员会的批准. 虽然GPA是录取学生的重要因素, 这不是唯一的考虑.  Those students with ability and a keen interest in academics are also encouraged to apply.

荣誉课程的申请将于8月1日至9月30日接受th 申请秋季学期和1月1日入学st - 2月28日至29日th 春天的.  A complete application and required materials must be submitted to the 荣誉 Committee.

一旦被荣誉课程录取,学生必须保持至少3分.25日平均绩点. Extraordinary exceptions will be reviewed by the 荣誉 Committee at the request of the student.


考生将在网上完成 荣誉课程申请 哪些会自动提交给项目委员会.  此网上数码申请将包含以下内容:


  1. 一个完整的 荣誉课程申请.
  2. A written statement (100 – 200 words) explaining why the applicant should be considered for the program.  Applicants should consider sharing their motivation for applying to the program, i.e. a prior learning course or experience, an influential instructor, or a significant moment in life.
  3. 两份学术推荐信.

荣誉课程的录取是有选择性和有限的. The 荣誉 Committee will review applications and may invite candidates to an informational interview with representatives of the 荣誉 Committee. 应试者应该准备好谈论他们的成就, 学术兴趣, 以及与荣誉课程相关的计划


以优异成绩毕业, students must complete a total of two 荣誉 Contract Courses prior to graduation and the 荣誉 Capstone Project during their final semester.

除了学术要求之外, 荣誉 学生 are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours of service (Scholars Days of Service) prior to graduation. 学生 must obtain prior approval of the intended service experience(s) by the 荣誉 Committee, 参与之前.


An 荣誉 Contract Course includes a course where the student has completed a formal agreement with a faculty member to add an honors component to a class which is already being taken as part of the candidate’s program of study.  荣誉合同课程由教师安排, 可能允许任何GCC课程转换为荣誉课程.

These contract courses must be filed with the 荣誉 Committee by the fourth week of classes.  The honors component is either an additional assignment or an extended assignment which adds depth, 批判性思维和/或跨学科的角度来看待课程材料.  在学期结束时, the 荣誉 Committee will confirm with the faculty member that the 荣誉 student has completed the contract.  在合同顺利完成后, the registrar will change the student’s transcript so that the course includes an 荣誉 Designation.

学生 will not receive the honors credit for the course if the contract is not completed.  学生仍然会获得课程成绩.  学生 will be able to substitute another honors contract the following semester to complete the 荣誉 Contract Course requirements.


荣誉 students will work with a faculty member within one of their courses to complete the 荣誉 Capstone Project.  This project will require students to complete an individualized project focusing on a specific theme or area of interest, with the faculty member facilitating discussion and an in-depth exploration of the subject.  结果将是一项原创研究的成果, 有创意的 or service-learning project that will be shared through a publication or presentation orally presented to faculty after completion.


荣誉 students will be required to complete a total of 15 hours of community service prior to graduation.  Some examples of community service may include becoming an officer in a school club, 在整个学期的活动中帮助学生活动, 在当地社区服务计划或项目中做志愿者, 等.  如果学生对什么是社区服务有疑问, 他们应该联系荣誉委员会. 学生 must obtain prior approval from the 荣誉 Committee of their intended service and will be required to submit evidence of their completed hours at the end of each academic school year to the 荣誉 Committee.  This evidence may include a signed acknowledgement from the person who oversaw the activity.


Successful completion of all 荣誉课程 will be noted 官方成绩单.

没有完成课程不会受到惩罚. Any honors coursework students have finished will still appear on the student’s transcript. 学生, 然而, will not receive a cord at graduation and the student’s transcript will not display completion of the program.

完成完整的荣誉课程, 候选人必须累积至少6个荣誉合同课程学分, 完成规定的学者日服务时间, 并完成荣誉课程顶点项目. To be credited towards the 荣誉 Program courses must be graded at a minimum of a 3.25日平均绩点.

津贴 & 优等生机会


  1. 荣誉称号 荣誉课程 官方成绩单.
  2. 在正式成绩单上指定完成的荣誉课程.
  3. 在学生会颁奖晚会等学院活动上的表彰.
  4. 毕业典礼上的表彰.
  5. Invitations to fun events so that you can meet and interact with other 荣誉 学生.